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Thursday, December 29, 2011
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Dog Behaviors and What They Mean
Similar to humans, dogs also exhibit a very complicated behavior, which is very difficult to understand at times. Although the dogs cannot talk like we do, they can convey everything they want to by displaying different types of behavior. However, if the behavior of dogs is observed carefully for a certain period of time, understanding it can become a lot easier. In fact, there are numerous behavioral problems in dogs, which you, as a dog owner, must know to be able to take timely action to get them cured and make the life of your dog easier than before.
There are various kinds of behaviors that dogs usually display to express different things. Here is a brief description of some of them:
• Wagging the Tail - A dog wags its tail when it is extremely pleased or happy. It generally does that on seeing a food item, a food treat, or a person they like, after a long time.
• Digging - If you find your dog digging into your garden, it might be possible that the dog is trying to be a little playful or has something really important to hide from the world! Some dogs do it just for the sake of adventure, while many others do it to release the excess energy.
• Sniffing - Dogs usually sniff to recognize things, people, and places and become familiar with them by the next meeting.
• Barking - Considered to be one among the most normal behaviors expected to be displayed by the dogs, barking is something that most dogs do when they come across a stranger and want to keep him/her away. However, excessive barking is also a common behavioral disorder that must be diagnosed and treated at the earliest.
Similarly, dogs 'whine' if they are sad or need attention, 'jump' when they are excited and wish to display affection, 'eat grass' when they have an upset stomach, 'scrapes and scratches the ground' when defining its territory, and 'hiding' when under stress. Thus, every behavior exhibited by your dog has a particular meaning and understanding the same can help you develop a better relationship with your dog.
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Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Is Your Dog Stressed? How Would You Know?
Is Your Dog Stressed Out? The canine species is a sophisticated species. They communicate with each other and with their owners in subtle ways. Saying this, canines also have the same feelings we humans do. They feel happy, loved, excited, pleased, sad, lonely and stressed. These emotions they show through their body language.
As in humans, stress is not healthy for your canine companion. Watch their body language: Some things to watch for are:
* Head and Tail drooping and held lower than normal (tail tucked between the legs)
* Twitches in the skin and muscles
* Body held stiff
* Whining, excessive barking
* Excessive drooling or licking of the lips
* Circling
* Digging
* Destructive chewing
* Refusing to eat
* Urinary marking
Watch for anything that is out of the normal daily routine for your dog. Many things can cause stress in dogs. A change in their environment, a change in your work schedule, lack of exercise and attention, separation anxiety, boredom, noise intolerance such as the sound of firecrackers, frustration, fear of other animals and humans, new family or new family member, trauma and even in their jobs such as police K-9's. Stray dogs suffer from stress more because of the fear they are homeless; lack of food and love. Your dog can also pick up on your own stress. It is important to recognize excitement versus stress.
Dogs basically take care of them selves when they are stressed. Licking their paws and lips as well as panting helps them to naturally relieve stress. However, there are times when the human factor has to come into play. Sit with your dog in a quiet place with no distractions. Talk softly and gently stroking him at the same time. Give him a daily massage to relax his muscles. Play a game of catch the ball. Let your dog run and 'blow off steam'. Arrange play dates with your dog or a doggie daycare center if you are going to be gone for several days. Provide chew toys; a Kong with a treat placed inside will keep him busy and his mind focused. Provide him a 'safe place' such as a den. Keep your dog quiet and give him lots of attention. Be patient with your dog. If you have to change your daily routine and will be coming home late or leaving early, have a friend or professional dog walker come in and check on your dog. Dogs are pack animals.
In other words, they do best when they are not alone. Turn on the television or a radio (I use Animal Planet) when I'm going to be gone all day. I've even caught them watching the TV when I come home. If things don't improve within a couple of days or if your dogs signs of stress worsen please do not hesitate to see your veterinarian as there may be an underlying physical cause for your dogs' stress.
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Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Is Your Dog Showing Signs of Stress? 6 Simple Techniques to De-Stress Your Pooch
When it comes to our four legged friends, the impact of stress has long been underestimated. Stress in humans can lead to health problems, affect our relationships with others and can make us unbalanced, irritable and aggressive towards our surroundings. So, why wouldn't we think our dogs are stressed out too?
Here are a few Stress symptoms of Dogs.
Very frequent display of calming signals.
Aggressive or anxious behavior
Compulsive behavior
Dog appears "distant"
Excessive self grooming
Frequent barking or whining
Very frequent urinating.
Many, if not all behavioral problems with dogs are more or less stress induced What can be done?
You must recognize when and why your dog is stressed. We can defuse conflicting situations or prevent them form occurring in the first place. A stressor is something in our dog's life that causes them stress. Examples of stressors are.
Death of a person well knows to the dog
Changing residences
Death or loss of a fellow four legged friend.
Being locked in a cage for too long.
Loud noises (ex. construction, thunderstorms)
When the dog is stressed it increases a hormone called Cortisol in the body. Increased levels of Cortisol can do emotional and physical harm to our 4 legged friends. The reaction to stress can be subdivided into 3 subsequent stages.
Stage one - The Alarm Reaction Stage. The dog has an interaction with nervous impulses and hormone release leads to optimum efficiency.
Stage two - The Resistance Stage - During the second stage the dog tries to cope with the situation which lowers his resistance towards other stressors in his life.
Stage Three - The Exhaustion stage - If the stress persists, the animal can no longer cope. The animal will begin what is called "adaptation disease."
This means he will revert back to stage one, but the problem will be ongoing. Adaptation disease is caused by a constant increased level of Cortisol in the blood.
Naturally, the dog's body cannot keep up the sate of alarm forever, and therefore negative behavior will occur. If the strong tension and stressors lasts for a longer period of time the dog will react like the 3 stages above.
A permanently raised level of Cortisol in the blood weakens the immune system of your dog. Further consequences may be diseases of the digestive system such as stomach ulcers, and chronic diarrhea. In the long term it can lead to serious damage to the adrenal gland, high blood pressure, heart attacks and even stroke.
If you feel your dog is stressed out take some time out to make him feel better.
Of course all dogs are different, but this is a great beginning to de-stressing your dog.
Show them love and security
Healthy calm breathing with you.
Bonding time with his/her master
Give them enough places to withdraw to, rest and sleep.
Give them a life suitable for a dog
Let them have contact with other dogs, friendly cats and dog loving people.
Walks in fresh air
A healthy diet
De-stressing your dog might just make them a little happier. When they are happy you are happy.
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